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About Sollas Translation
English into German translation and proofreading, a professional language service – fast, reliable and friendly
Sollas Translation is a boutique translation and proofreading service with particular focus on the arts.
It is based in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland and run by me, Corinna Krause.
Fields of expertise

literature (poetry and prose, also from Scottish Gaelic into German) : the arts : audio for film and media : food, hospitality and tourism : interior design : business and online content : scottish-related subjects : contemporary designer craft and fine art : music (classical and traditional)
My background
I live and work on the stunning island of North Uist in the Outer Hebrides. I have a small studio here in our family home which is the hub for my translation and bookbinding work. I grew up in East Germany and left to study for an MA in English and Celtic Studies at Edinburgh University. I moved to North Uist in 2001 where I combined working academically (researching and writing my PhD thesis on self-translation in the context of modern Gaelic poetry) and working with my hands (establishing my artisan bookbinding practice). Having gained my doctorate from Edinburgh University in 2008, I established a combined business of Sollas Bookbinding and Sollas Translation to work creatively in both fields and to maintain that balance between head and hands.
How do I work from where I am?
Working from Uist is important to me as it literally gives me the wide and endless horizon I need to allow my mind to concentrate and at times to wander. At the same time I feel connected to my fellow professionals via networks and am able to work closely with my clients online to achieve projects that always demand unique and creative approaches.
Affiliations and Services
I am a translator working from English into German, a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (MCIL) and a certified proofreader specialising in bilingual proofreading. This involves checking a translated text carefully against the original text to make sure nothing has been left out or mistranslated as well as making sure it reads well and is correct in terms of grammar, spelling, syntax, style etc.
Degrees and Certificates
- Certificate ‘Basic Proofreading’ from the Publishing Training Centre, London, November 2012
- PhD: Eadar Dà Chànan: Self-Translation, the Bilingual Edition and Modern Scottish Gaelic Poetry, Edinburgh University, June 2008
- MSc (Research) in Translation Studies, Edinburgh University, translation of modern Scottish Gaelic poetry into German, Sep 2001
- MA (Hons) English and Celtic, Edinburgh University, June 2000
Academic Writing
During researching for my PhD thesis, I gave a number of talks at different conferences on the theme of postcolonial and minority translation. I was also invited to contribute to several academic publications. During this time I thought a lot about the context and the process of translation and the responsibility of the translator when negotiating an understanding between cultures which are by their very nature defined by differences. One of the most important insights I gained is that only through the visibility and acceptance of difference will we be able to accept each other and realise what connects us as people. In the celebration of difference translation plays a vital role.
Here are two of the publications I contributed to:
'"Why bother with the original?”: self-translation and Scottish Gaelic poetry’ in Anthony Cordingley (ed.) (2013) Self-Translation: Brokering Originality in Hybrid Culture, London and New York: Bloomsbury
‘Self-translation: in dialogue with the outside world’ in Emma Dymmock and Wilson McLeod (eds.) (2011) Lainnir a’ Bhùirn: Essays on Modern Gaelic Literature, Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press